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Dissemination Activities

COCONUT at Journals & Magazines

16. G. Y. Chu, A. Lerín, I. N. Cano, V. Polo, J. Prat, “Coherent ONU based on 850 μm long cavity reflective semiconductor optical amplifier for next generation ultra-dense access network,” Chinese Optics Letters, accepted for publication

15. G. Y. Chu, I. N. Cano, V. Polo, C. Kazmiersky, R. Brenot, J. Prat, “Monolithically integrated dual-output DEML for full duplex DPSK-ASK and DPSK-SSB ONU in ultra-dense channel spaced access networks,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, no.8, pp. 2042-2048 (Apr. 2016)

14. J.p Prat, I. Cano, M. Presi, I. Tomkos, D. Klonidis, G. Vall-llosera, R. Brenot, R. Pous, G. Papastergiou, A. Rafel, E. Ciaramella, “Technologies for cost effective udWDM-PONs,” IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 783-791 (Jan. 2016)

13. I. N. Cano, A. Lerín, J. Prat, “DQPSK directly phase modulated DFB for flexible coherent UDWDM-PONs,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 28, issue 1, pp. 35-38, (Jan. 2016).

12. G. Y. Chu, V. Polo, A. Lerín, J. Tabares, I. N. Cano, J. Prat, “1.25-3.125 Gb/s per user PON with RSOA as phase modulator for statistical wavelength ONU,” Optics Communications, vol. 357, pp. 34 -40 (Dec. 2015).

11. M. Artiglia, M. Presi, F. Bottoni, M. Rannello, E. Ciaramella, “Polarization-Independent Coherent Real-time Analog Receiver for PON Access Systems ,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. PP, No. 99, January 2016.

10. M. Presi, R. Corsini, M. Artiglia, and E. Ciaramella “Ultra-dense WDM-PON 6.25 GHz spaced 8×1 Gb/s based on a simplified coherent-detection scheme,” Opt. Express vol. 23, pp. 22706-22713 (2015)

9. M. Artiglia, R. Corsini, M. Presi, F. Bottoni, G. Cossu, and E. Ciaramella “Coherent Systems for Low-Cost 10 Gbit/s Optical Access Networks,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 33, No. 15, June 2015.

8. J. Tabares, V. Polo, I. Cano, J. Prat, “Automatic λ-Control with Offset Compensation in DFB Intradyne Receiver for udWDM-PON,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters," vol. 27, no.4, pp. 443-446, 2015.

7. V. Sales, J. Segarra, V. Polo, J. Prat, “Statistical UDWDM-PONs operating with ONU lasers under limited tunability,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 27, no.3, pp. 257-260, 2015.

6. M. Presi, M. Artiglia, and E. Ciaramella, “Electrical filter-based and low-complexity DPSK coherent optical receiver,” Opt. Lett. vol. 39,no. 21, pp.6301-6303, 2014).

5. M. Presi, R. Corsini, M. Artiglia, E. Ciaramella, “Using directly modulated DFBs without power penalty in low-cost and high-power budget coherent access networks,” Electronics Letters , vol.50, no.7, pp.536,538, March 2014

4. V. Sales, J. Segarra, J. Prat, “An efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation for GPON long-reach extension systems”,Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 14, Part 1, pp.69–77, August 2014.

3. I. Cano, A. Lerín, V.Polo, J. Prat, "Direct Phase Modulation DFBs for Cost-Effective ONU Transmitter in udWDM PONs", Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, vol. 26, no. 10, May 15, pp.973-975,2014.

2. E. Ciaramella, "Polarization-Independent Receivers for Low-Cost Coherent OOK Systems", Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 548, 551, MAR 15, 2014.

1. M. Presi, F. Bottoni, G. Cossu, R. Corsini, E. Ciaramella, "All DFB-based Coherent UDWDM PON with 6.25 GHz Spacing and a 40dB Power Budget" , Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, vol. 26, no. 2, Jan 2014.

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